Old Skool Festival 2016
Wrzesien 2016, Old School Festival 2
September 2016, Old School Festival 2
2 Dni! / 2 Days!
Piatek 16 Wrzesien 2016 / Friday 16th September 2016
Sobota 17 Wrzesien 2016 / Saturday 17th September 2016
Wystepujacy artysci (Performing artists):
Piatek (Friday) 16.09.2016:
N-Joi live PA (confirmed)
Davos - Live PA (confirmed)
Rozalla - Live PA (confirmed)
Kelly Llorenna feat. N-Trance - Live PA (confirmed)
N.R.G. (confirmed)
Fat Controller (confirmed)
MC Fusion (confirmed)
MC Whizzkid (TBC)
plus support:
Oneplayz (confirmed)
Dukee (confirmed)
Patrol (confirmed)
Lunatic (confirmed)
MC Fantazia (TBC)
Sobota (Saturday) 17.09.2016
Dreadsquad (confirmed)
General Levy (confirmed)
Sublove (confirmed)
Ragga Twins - Live PA (confirmed)
Nicky Blackmarket (confirmed)
Freestylers (confirmed)
Butcher Jungle Drummer - Live PA (confirmed)
R.I.P. Danger (confirmed)
Greg Sin Key (confirmed)
Infinity (confirmed)
MC Akira (confirmed)
Ceny biletow:
Pierwsza seria (300 sztuk tylko):
- bilet na jeden dzien: 50 zl
- karnet dwudniowy: 80 zl
Kolejna seria po wyprzedaniu pierwszej serii:
- bilet na jeden dzien: 70 zl
- karnet dwudniowy: 100 zl
Bilety w dniu imprezy (o ile beda dostepne)
- bilet na jeden dzien: 80 zl
- karnet dwudniowy - 130 zl
Biletu jednodniowego nie mozna "upgradowac" do dwudniowego jesli kupisz bilet na jeden dzien i go uzyjesz.
Upgrade mozliwy tylko na minimum tydzien przed Festivalem,
English version:
Tickets pre-sale:
First batch (limited to 300 tickets)
- one day: 50 zl (approx £9)
- two days ticket: 80 zl (approx £14)
Next batch will be:
- one day: 60 zl (approx £10)
- dwo days: 90 zl (approx £15)
Tickets on the doors (if they will still become available)
- one day: 80 zl (approx £14)
- two days: 120 zl (£21)
No upgrades to second day if you buy one day ticket and use it, you must buy another one day ticket.
Upgrade possible only minimum one week before the Festival.